Week 2 : Security Basic And IT Professional

 Hye, Assalamualaikum.

For the second week, I was very happy to finally be able to meet Dr. Fiz in online class. I am so excited to start our first class online with Dr Fizz yeayy !!

Previously, I did not even know who Dr. Fiz, but after meeting him in our online class, I could feel that she was a loving lecturer and understood her students. Although only studying online but in class, Dr Fizz still treats us like studying in college😊

Before class started, Dr. Fiz told us to answer an opinion poll to test us on key keywords for cyber security. Alhamdulillah, a large number of us can give the right answer. Dr Fiz also told us to watch the tutorial video her uploaded on YouTube.

Based on the video, Dr Fiz gave us a briefing on Cyber ​​Security Information (CSM) which is an important institution that can promote and protect all cybersecurity protection processes. Through the video, we were also told that we would learn how to protect the security of our information and how to protect our computer systems.

Summary of what we have learned in Chapter 1 :

  1. We are taught about security, security threats, security attack methods, various tools in information security, and access to data and equipment.
  2. We learn about what cyber security and information security are all about. In addition, we were also taught about Three security (CIA) purposes - Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability
  3. We can also tell the difference between an attacker and a hacker.
  4. There are 4 types of security threats - Malicious code, hacking, natural disasters and theft. 
  5. We also know about the sources of security theft that include, external, internal, unstructured and structured.

Good Luck!!

Don't give up , ok ?💞

Lot Of Love By Nisaa💕
