Alhamdulillah, this week is the last week I'm on this blog to share my story with you all. Do you know? this week is the 14th week. Unexpectedly 14 weeks we managed to patiently study online. Only Allah knows what we went through during the 14 weeks of studying in the conditions of the Covid-19 season.
First Class For The Last Week.
For this week, the topics we have studied are Chapter 4: Part 5 of IT Professionals and Ethics.
The subtopics is :
The first task this week is to read the entire article that has been uploaded by Dr Fiz at Cidos, entitled (Exploring the Role of Pharmacists in Implementing a Drug Sync Sync Program File based on Appointments) After reading the article, we answered the question given by Dr Fiz to us. All questions are based on articles.
Below are the answers I have completed.
We should have answered the questions in pairs. But as always, I only do it alone because my class has an unbalanced number of members. So I decided to make it myself. Not that I don't like mixing with people, but maybe it's the best for the 14 weeks this class lasts. Let only me and God know what has happened.
Second Class In The Last Week.
Dr Fiz uploaded an article, entitled Extra Notes on call Center. There are 8 subtopics summarized in the article, in which each group must draw a subtopic for the next task. I was selected to be the group leader by my lecturer and got the subtopic Categories of Call Center. But I was very reluctant to say that I did not deserve to be the leader of the group. I have failed to guide my group members. But it doesn't matter, I tried to complete the assignment given by this lecturer
Below is a poster of the Categories of Call Center.
Moving on to the next task, we are instructed to update our blog based on the requirements set by our lecturers. We should report on all blog updates, where we should also blog using Screenshot, to attach our report. This is an individual task.
For the final task, again, we read an article that was published in Cidos by Dr. Fiz. The title is Service Robot, Customer and Service Staff. As usual, we were divided into several groups, and each group was given a different subtopic based on the article. The topic I got was Customer Service. Based on the subtopics, I made a summary and presented it in a mind map using Coggle
In conclusion for my last blog, I think during these 14 weeks, I was able to learn a lot of new knowledge from Dr. Fiz. Not only that, for me these 14 weeks have given me a lot of strength to continue to learn and appreciate the people who help us a lot especially in the group. I hope everything I share in this blog can give something new knowledge to readers. I apologize if there is a rude language or have already spoken. Pray that me and my fellow fighters in this DDT2A class will get excellent results in the final exam later. Thank you for visiting my blog.
Hope to see you again Dr Fiz.
Thank you for all the knowledge that has been given.
Lot's of love By Nisaa💕
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