Hye, Assalamualaikum. I'm backk😇
Today, I want to tell you a story about what I learned in week 5.
So by the 5th week, I had learned about the Benefits of a security policy and the need for an effective security and safety policy, Policy requirements. Also, I remember telling you that every week we would meet twice a week so in the second class of our online meeting, we learned about Identification of usernames and passwords, level of password protection, length and strong passwords, lines guide to create a strong password. Then we learn about permissions, comparisons of File Allocation Table 32 (FAT32) and NT File System (NTFS) , implementation of security policies on security policies, data protection and protection against malicious software.
For subtopics - Username and Password, Password Protection Level, Guidelines for Creating a Strong Password. we were referred to via youtube downloaded by Dr.fiz entitled Introduction To Secutiry: Threat, which I have posted a link in the first week.Based on the video, and as usual, we made a mind map using Coogle.
After that, we were given exercise to list down 4 guidelines to create strong passwords. Then, we are asked to create an email using matric number as username and applied strong password. Each one of us sent an email to our lecturer, with these guides.
1) Greeting
2) Purpose of email
3) Attachment of email
4) Appreciation of feedback.
In the second class in week 5, we got an assignment to make a poster using canva on the comparison between FAT32 and NTFS. Dr Fiz also shared YouTube links, videos on Firewall Software and wifi connections. Based on the video, we dug out important points to help us create posters.
Below is a poster I made using the kanva application on the comparison between FAT32 & NTFS. Next, I made a poster of the Step-by-Step method for Installing Sotfware firewall.
Poster comparison between FAT32 & NTFS :
At the same time, We are also divided into several groups, where each group with 5 members make a video based on the slides given to us, entitled Let's Ponder Biometric Technology and Let's Ponder Block Cipher DES. The time limit for the video is only 3 minutes. We are given until next week to submit our video.
Wish us success, Thankyou💞
Lot's Of Love From Nisaa💕
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