Assalamualaikum and hyeeee😄
Tik tok, Tik tok. yeayy now it is the 7th week.
Alhamdulillah, for a moment time has passed I did not expect it to be 7 weeks we studied online without meeting our lecturer face to face hmm I feel sad but still grateful to be able to continue my studies this semester😊
For your information, this week we have entered the 3rd chapter, entitled "Security Troubleshooting And Solutions". Interesting not to read that title ??
Haa so now I will share what I learned that week. Let's go to next story hehe
First class of this 7th week
Before we entered the online class. we will get an assignment from Dr Fiz to fill in the hashing forum and provide 2 examples of hashing encoding and attach it with the appropriate picture in cidos.
After that, he also gave us a task on the features of encryption software by explaining the five features of encryption software and its capabilities.
Last but not least for the first class of this 7th week, our third task is to make a comparison between Symmetric Encryption (SE) and Asymmetric Encryption (AE). This is just the first activity in Week 7. Once we have completed all the tasks, then we start the class.
Second class in this 7th week
We get the task and we must complete the given task according to the set time. The first task is in pairs, which is to create basic security logos, security policies, security procedures and security troubleshooting. Although only 2 people, teamwork is important. so in this assignment I made a logo with my friend named Noor Farah Aisyah.
A poster with a black background was made by Aisyah, while a poster with a white background was made by me. alhamdulillah the task given can be completed perfectly.
Next, our next task is to find articles on the "Implications Of Problem Solving For Asset Protection". We use google scholars to find it. Once we find and read the article, we need to create a report based on the titles we get. The article must contain an introduction, problem statement and research objectives.
After that, we answered 15 questions on classkick. The questions are easy to understand and for me the classkick website is very beautiful and neatly arranged to make it easier for us to answer the questions given. I really enjoy answering questions in classkick hehe but sorry because I did not have time to take the picture of the web so I can not show how beautiful the website huhu😌
Next, Our last activity on week 7 is answering the quiz chapter 2. This quiz is quite challenging and I have to do a lot of practice so that I can understand the whole of chapter 2 because the results I got were very sad😥
After completing all the assigned tasks, we need to enter the classroom to take attendance. Dr Fiz took attendance as usual and Dr Fiz asked about our marks and feelings answering the quiz we got. Before the class ended, Dr. Fiz had time to teach us about the Basic Troubleshooting Process.
Basic Troubleshooting Process
SIX (6) step troubleshooting process
STEP 1 : Identify the problem
STEP 2 : Established the theory of probable cause
STEP 3 : Test the theory to determine the cause
STEP 4 : Establish a plan of action to resolve the problem and implement
the solution
STEP 5 : Verify full system functionality and implement preventative
STEP 6 : Document findings, Actions and Outcomes
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