Assalamualaikum dan hye.
First of all, pray for me to stay strong to make this blog. Week 10 was the most challenging week for me. But it does not matter if I try to share my story and experience during this week.
I apologize if this week will offend someone. But I try to make a blog prudently.
First Class in the 10th week
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim ..
In this 10th week, we got an unexpected task of making storyboards, song lyrics, and drama scripts, entitled Malicious Software Protection Program. We did not think at all that such a task we got. But it does not matter, let us consider it as a new experience because in life there will definitely be something new that we need to learn. Right?
But, I don't know how to share this experience. So maybe this is all I can share.
I apologize if the story depends. But I can't afford to remember about this week 10.
I apologize very much.
Second class in this 10th week
The next day, we were given the task of making a mind map based on the title of the Malware Software Protection Program. I do it voluntarily because I like to use coggles to make mind maps, as they are useful and easy to use. But the most important part is, our mind map will be very colorful because there are so many color options. As always, I will display my coggle below. okay?
And for our final activity, we created a game board for topic 3.3: Protecting Physical Equipment.
We use Kahoot, to make it easier for other students to answer questions. We make questions and prepare our own correct answers. We only made 5 objective questions.
Maybe this is the story of my 10th week.
Thank you for reading😊
Last word for this week,
"If we want to wait until we are ready, we will spend the rest of our lives just to wait"
So keep moving forward without waiting for people who try to waste our time.
For a student, may we all always be strong and continue to smile even though thousands of allegations and allegations will not be a single human being who understands us.
Keep strong okay?
Lot's of love by Nisaa💕
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