WEEK 6 : Innovation Article Writing: Abstract

Assalamulaikum Everyone😊

Hye, now i'm in week 6, this week we are learning about how to make a report. But, before online class started. Dr. Fiz gave us the task, which is to create a Biometric poster application using Canva. For me the canva application is very interesting so that's why we got assignments and made posters or the like using canva.

Below is the result I have made about the assignment given.

After that, We also watched a video on abstract writing, which guided us how to make accurate and correct reports. So below, I will give a link to the video we have watched. if you see this video, do not like and subscribed.

Next, we went into the online class for Dr Fiz to provide further explanation for us to understand about Abstark. I am very excited and would like to thank you for the explanation is very easy to understand. After that, we were given the task of selecting one title from 3 choices, and only making one report about it.

The three titles is :
  • Chiper Text.
  • Encryption Technology.
  • Cryptanalysis.

I have chosen Encryption Technology because it looks more interesting to make a report.

Then, I wrote an abstract assignment. I chose the article I downloaded from Google Scholar. I copied the abstract from the article. I highlight the meaning given by my lecturer and choose which sentences from the article can be categorized as Title, Introduction, Problem statement, Objectives, Methodology, Results, Conclusions, Suggest the topics of the article as cipher text.

That's all I can share in this 6th week.

Thankyou. Lot's Of Love by nisaa💕
